
  • asnani dewiyana universitas halu oleo
  • Muh. Ilham
  • Muliha Halim


Kata Kunci:

social media, Housewife


This study aims to determine: how housewives use social media. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The informants obtained were as many as fifteen people with different backgrounds in this study. The study found that: 1) The use of social media by housewives can be seen how someone uses the media itself and for certain purposes so that it can be seen which one is more active in social media, so that it can be said that the media is a space for one's satisfaction. individual social life; 2) Housewives in using social media in Biru Village, Poleang Timur District, Bombana Regency; a) Direct interaction becomes interaction through social media; social communication that takes place face to face is changed to communication through social media, b) Shopping for clothes in the market becomes shopping for clothes online; Initially, clothing needs were fulfilled by shopping in conventional markets, turning into online shopping, c) Watching TV with family; family harmonization in free time is created by watching TV with husband and children in the end watching through social media facebook and youtube so that it is more individual, d) Activities that are not published are selfie behavior and upload photos on social media; carrying out daily activities is something that is not documented and becomes personal consumption, with the existence of social media, most of the activities of housewives are published through their social media, and. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the use of social media by housewives is used to seek entertainment, sell, seek information, etc.


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