Inovasi Pengolahan Teh Dari Daun Kelor Sebagai Minuman Fungsional Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Di Desa Ghonsume Kecamatan Duruka Kabupaten Muna


  • La Ode Muhamad Yamin Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Rizal Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Abdullah Igo B.D



Functional Drinks, Moringa Leaves, Income


People do not use Moringa leaves as a product. People only use Moringa leaves as vegetables and live fences in the environment around their homes. Based on this, this study aims to utilize Moringa leaves into a product that is feasible and has economic value in Ghonsume Village, Muna Regency. The implementation of this research uses a Research And Devalopment (R&D) approach. Research and development with this approach model consists of ten steps, namely, (1). Potential and problems, (2). Data collection, (3). Product Design, (4). product validation; (5). Product Revision; (6). Product trial; (7). Product revision; (8). Usage trial; (9). Product revision; (10). Finished product. The results of the research on tea processing innovation from Moringa leaves as a functional drink, the results of the PK Water test using the Gravimetric method were 5.64% of the specified conditions of a maximum of 10%. Cost of Sales of Moringa leaf tea Rp. 6,097, tea sales per box Rp. 15,000 so get a profit of 40.6%. So that Moringa leaf tea products are said to be feasible for business.


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